New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that Alabama has the fifth-highest death rate by shootings. That includes murder, suicide, and unintentional accidents.
Alabama had 26.09 gun deaths per 100,000 residents in 2021. Mississippi had the highest rate of gun deaths at 32.61 deaths per 100,000. Louisiana came in second with 28.42 deaths per 100,000. New Mexico was third with 27.32 and Wyoming with 26.78.
The national average is 14.71 gun deaths per 100,000 citizens.
The five states with the lowest rates of gun deaths in 2021 were Rhode Island with 5.84, New York with 5.43, New Jersey with 5.13, Hawaii with 4.93, and Massachusetts at 3.54.
Gun control advocates with the Violence Policy Center (VPC) insist that states with the lowest rates of overall gun death in the nation have strong gun violence prevention laws and low rates of gun ownership.
The VPC analysis used 2021 CDC Wonder data and refers to…
Alabama has the fifth-highest gun death rate in the U.S. , Brandon Moseley , 2023-02-17 18:00:00 , Alabama Today , , [rule_{ruleNumber}] , [rule_{ruleNumber}_plain] , , , , , Influence & Policy,Slider,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, #Alabama #fifthhighest #gun #death #rate #U.S