‘Chicago Tonight’ in Your Neighborhood: Puerto Rican Festival Kicks O...

“Chicago Tonight” hits the streets to speak with your neighbors, local businesses, agencies and leaders.

It’s now officially summer as the annual Puerto Rican Festival kicked off Thursday in the heart of Humboldt Park.

Despite facing gentrification, the Humboldt Park community is home to the largest Puerto Rican population in the city.

Fiestas Patronales Puertorriqueñas is a four-day event featuring live music, games and food all celebrating Puerto Rican culture.

“It’s the excitement of all our people coming together. It’s unbelievable,” said neighborhood resident Edras Andugar. “There’s more of us that fit in that little island, and it’s unbelievable how many people are out here.”

This year’s festivities will include musical guests from Puerto Rico and local social media influencers like Rebeca Nieves Huffman.

“I was born and raised in this community and grew up with the Puerto Rican parade being a thing. You dusted off that flag. You were ready to…

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