Published On: February 22nd, 2023Categories: Alabama News

By Nancy King Dennis

Alabama Retailer

Before May 2019, Jaclyn Robinson had only made beignets for her family. She didn’t make them often, just when the mood struck her.

But for years the name Mo’Bay Beignet Co. had floated in and out of her mind.

The mother of five is a communicator and photographer with a marketing degree. She loves to create, and also name and market ideas.

“I’m the mom that if asked to head up the school bake sale, says, ‘Well I probably need a website, I probably need a logo. We probably need to brand this bake sale.’ It can’t ever be simple unfortunately,” she said.

Divinely inspired

In April 2019, during a college campus visit in California with one of her three daughters, a couple asked if they could pray for Jaclyn.

The husband said something nonsensical to Robinson at the time: “I feel like you’re entering into a new season, and I hear a celebration, and it has a jazzy feel, in terms of music. I’m hearing the word math, and I’m…

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Faith and flour are key ingredients for Alabama’s Mo’Bay Beignet Co. … , Nancy King Dennis / Alabama Retailer , 2023-02-21 22:00:47 , Alabama News Center , , [rule_{ruleNumber}] , [rule_{ruleNumber}_plain] , , , , , Food & Drink,Alabama Retail Association,Alabama Retailer,Auburn,beignets,Domke Market,Food,Hattiesburg,Jaclyn Robinson,Mardi Gras,Mo’Bay Beignet Co.,Mobile,Orange Beach,Priester’s Pecans,restaurant,Saraland,Tuscaloosa, #Faith #flour #key #ingredients #Alabamas #MoBay #Beignet


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