As 2024 comes to a close, Ben and I stuck to his tradition of looking through the top five posts on FineWoodworking.com. Our editors strive to bring you a wide variety of topics, carefully curating each issue to meet the needs of woodworkers at every level. It’s an amazing thing to be a part of, even if my focus is bringing those carefully crafted articles to a readable format for the website. Ben and I get the privilege of seeing the numbers that reflect what our readers love best, in the form of web performance. This direct feedback not only gives us insight into what you enjoy but also gives us direction on what to feature in the future. This years top five posts varied a lot, in the best way possible: they feature not only articles, but a blog and an episode of Shop Talk Live.
Our top post, who is authored by one of our newer bloggers, held a special place for me the moment I read…
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