Most bench grinders, whether outfitted with 6″ or 8″ wheels, come ill-equipped from the factory for use in a woodworking shop, thanks to stone wheels that prove too coarse for sharpening fine-cutting tools, clumsy tool rests, and accessories that are inadequate or just not helpful. Follow these simple steps to turn a ho-hum grinder into a smooth operator in no time.
Start with these tips for better sharpening
- Plug the grinder directly into an outlet. Many grinders require high amperage at start-up and typically run hot anyway, and an extension cord could magnify this problem.
- If your grinder has a variable-speed motor, run it at the slowest speed when shaping or sharpening a tool to reduce heat buildup. Save the high speeds for cleaning rust and gunk from tools with a wire wheel or polishing or stropping with a buffing wheel.
- Keep a “quench cup” nearby filled with fresh water to cool tools as they heat up.
Performance comes down to the wheels
Most grinders…
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