Published On: February 21st, 2023Categories: Alabama News

Almost three years after health officials confirmed the first COVID-19 case in Alabama, more people are dying in the state than being born.

The 2022 numbers aren’t finalized, but Dr. Scott Harris, the State Health Officer, estimated Thursday that there were about 4,000 more deaths than births last year. That was smaller than the estimated 10,000 more deaths than births in Alabama in 2021. But prior to the outbreak, and as long as records had been kept, births exceeded deaths in Alabama.

It’s an ongoing effect of the pandemic, Harris said during a wide-ranging assessment of the state’s response to COVID-19 on Thursday morning at the Alabama Department of Public Health board meeting in Montgomery. Harris said the state had grappled with personnel and supply shortages, and a federal response that often clashed with individual state plans.

“We have 51 different COVID plans,” Harris said. “That meant you can get vaccinated in Georgia this week, but you had to wait two weeks to…

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More deaths than births in Alabama , Montgomery Advertiser , 2023-02-20 23:00:20 , GANNETT Syndication Service ,, [rule_{ruleNumber}] , [rule_{ruleNumber}_plain] , , , , , , #deaths #births #Alabama


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