Published On: January 20th, 2023Categories: Alabama News

Staff Sgt. Samuel Hartley

BIRMINGHAM — Alabama Army National Guardsmen from the 135th Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) reunited with their families January 14, 2023, after a year-long deployment to Kuwait.

“I’m in disbelief that I’m home,” said Specialist Julius Shelton. “I’m really looking forward to seeing my family and spending time with them again.”

Families, friends, and loved ones all filled the auditorium of the Church of the Highlands Grants Mills campus, anxiously and excitedly awaiting the return of their soldier.

“Our families have carried the load while we were gone,” commented 135th ESC Command Sergeant Major Kevin Gaiser. “Now we’re back, and we have to reintegrate and return to our roles in the families we unfortunately had to leave behind last year.”

Guardsmen must overcome many hardships on deployments, including time away from those at home and maintaining healthy and necessary relationships.

135th Expeditionary Sustainment Commanding General and Alabama National Guard Brigadier General Thomas Vickers is seen on stage and on screen addressing his soldiers during their post-deployment welcome home ceremony in Birmingham, Ala., January 14, 2023. The emotional speech crowned a long awaited return home by soldiers from the 135th ESC and their families.

“The first time I left, my children were…

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135th ESC returns to Alabama from year-long deployment in Kuwait , Montgomery Advertiser , 2023-01-19 21:17:24 , GANNETT Syndication Service ,, [rule_{ruleNumber}] , [rule_{ruleNumber}_plain] , , , , , , #135th #ESC #returns #Alabama #yearlong #deployment #Kuwait

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