A private school in Tuscaloosa is offering a reward for two chickens, Egguardita and Fishy, raised by students.
WVUA reported 12 hand-raised chickens were missing from Bear Creek Academy this week. Their food bowls were also gone.
Bear Creek Academy Principal Monica Rodgers said the students have been working with the chickens from day one, making them more like pets than a classroom project.
“(The students) can tell you everything about these chickens,” Rodgers told WVUA. “When they found out 12 had been taken, they just started calling out ‘who was it? Who was it?”
On Tuesday, the school posted 10 of the 12 missing chickens have been located and returned to the school. Two, Egguardita and Fishy, are still missing.
Egguardita is a brownish black and white speckled Easter Egger hen with a small comb, a white “unibrow” above her eyes and grey feet. Fishy is a black Barred Rock hen with wavy white stripes around her entire body, a small comb with deep grooves and points, and…
Where are Egguardita and Fishy? Alabama school offers $500 reward ove… , Leada Gore , 2023-03-01 16:47:15 , al.com , https://www.al.com/resizer/qMHESvESf0a-BoIIzVi22IKV9jU=/0x1200/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/advancelocal/MMAAKIZE4BCPVBVI6PW4ZXHYCM.JPG?#, [rule_{ruleNumber}] , [rule_{ruleNumber}_plain] , https://www.al.com/news/2023/03/where-are-egguardita-and-fishy-alabama-school-offers-500-reward-over-fowl-act.html , https://www.al.com/news/2023/03/where-are-egguardita-and-fishy-alabama-school-offers-500-reward-over-fowl-act.html , www.al.com , https%3A%2F%2Fwww.al.com%2Fnews%2F2023%2F03%2Fwhere-are-egguardita-and-fishy-alabama-school-offers-500-reward-over-fowl-act.html , , #Egguardita #Fishy #Alabama #school #offers #reward #ove..