3 tips for beginner woodworking projects

Starting out in the craft, I was very much of the mindset “I’ll figure it out as I go.” I would dive right into projects. Invariably, it was a fight to the finish and less fun than I thought it would be. Over time, I realized that if I had a plan and had laid some knowledge and practice groundwork, the projects would have gone way better.

1) Designing and planning

Start with a well-thought-out design and sound construction drawings.

Sketch your project idea on paper or use design software like SketchUp to visualize it digitally. Pay attention to dimensions, proportions, and aesthetics. Build some quarter-scale models—you’ll learn so much from the process.

Photo by Kelly Parker at woodsongstudio.com

Planning allows you to anticipate challenges, calculate the amount of wood needed, and adjust before cutting a single piece. You want to avoid ending up with three legs instead of…

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