Published On: March 15th, 2024Categories: Colorado News

Rest stops - Boulder Weekly

“The Merc,” as it’s known far and wide, is a welcome sight after the eight-mile climb to Jamestown. Credit: Ray Keener

Ask a local long-distance cyclist: When you’re riding to a destination like Ward or Hygiene, is it the destination itself (“Just three more miles to The Mountain Fountain!”) or what awaits you (“I’m gonna crush a Magic Bar and a Gatorade so hard!”)? 

Either way, we hope you discover a new source of rest and refreshment by pedaling out to…

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Feed Name : Boulder Weekly

Adventure,cover3,cover 3,Feast 2024 issue,adventure,bike,Mountain Fountain,Full Cycle,group rides,Coal Creek Canyon,Ward Mountain Exchange,Jamestown,Allenspark,The Merc,Gold Hill,Gold Hill General Store
hashtags : #Rest #stops #Boulder #Weekly


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