Friends who see these shelves will ask you two questions: “How are they supported?” (cleats) and “Can you make one for me?” (no problem). The ones shown above use crown molding available from any home center. For variety, try a squared version dressed up with off-the-shelf cap molding.
Dimensions: 85⁄16” deep × 365⁄8” long × 4″ high
Cut and assemble the shelf
1. Cut the top (A) and bottom (B) to size [Materials List] from 3∕4” plywood. Then, from 3∕4” oak, cut the face (C) 2″ longer than shown, and ends (D) 1″ longer than shown. Miter one end of the front and each end piece.
2. Apply painter’s tape to the front edge and both ends of the bottom (B) to keep glue from sticking to it later. Mark centers of the untaped edge on the bottom and one edge of the top (A). Align the center marks with the edges flush and clamp both parts to your workbench [Photo A].
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Bookcases and Shelving,Furniture Plans,Project Plans
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