Back in May Google’s Gary Illyes sat for an interview at the SERP Conf 2024 conference in Bulgaria and answered a question about the causes of crawled but not indexed, offering multiple reasons that are helpful for debugging and fixing this error.

Although the interview happened in May, the video of the interview went underreported and not many people have actually watched it. I only heard of it because the always awesome Olesia Korobka (@Giridja) recently drew attention to the interview in a Facebook post.

So even though the interview happened in May, the information is still timely and useful.

Reason For Crawled – Currently Not Indexed

Crawled Currently Not Indexed is a reference to an error report in the Google Search Console Page Indexing report which alerts that a page was crawled by Google but was not indexed.

During a live interview someone submitted a question, asking:

“Can crawled but not indexed be a result of a page being too similar to other stuff already…

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