Published On: February 27th, 2023Categories: Alabama News

The official start of spring is just ahead, but with Alabama’s weather the only way you’ll really know is from the awesome events in our area. Check out what’s happening this week in The 10 for Feb. 27-March 5.

1. Enchanted Isle: Folksongs of Ireland, Scotland and England

The Montgomery Chorale has special shows Thursday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. that’ll take you to a land full of myth and legends. It’s Enchanted Isle: Folksongs of Ireland, Scotland and England, in the Lowder Gallery at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, One Museum Drive. General admission is $20, and tickets are available online at

2. Local Authors Day at library in Prattville

Local Author Day is Thursday, 5-7 p.m. at the Autauga Prattville Public Library.

There are authors among us from Prattville, and if you’d like to meet some of them visit the Autauga Prattville Public Library on Thursday, from 5-7 p.m. for Local Author Day. You could discover new works from someone in your own backyard. The library is at 254 Doster St.

3. Pysanky egg…

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Please ‘Bear’ with us for action, music, food and more , Montgomery Advertiser , 2023-02-27 11:06:01 , GANNETT Syndication Service ,, [rule_{ruleNumber}] , [rule_{ruleNumber}_plain] , , , , , , #Bear #action #music #food

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