Repeal Trump’s Drug Rebate Rule for America’s Seniors, But Spend Bill...

The following content is sponsored by Americans for Limited Government.

One of the things we sometimes say to be nice is that Joe Biden cannot possibly be in command of his administration – that it must be rogue actors making these terrible policy decisions for him.

What can’t be denied is that his administration, whether he’s actually in charge of it or not, is abusing American seniors just trying to get their medicine. The cure – as for many of the world’s problems – is to go back to what Donald Trump had already been doing.

This year, premiums are up more than 20 percent for the more than 50 million Americans enrolled in Medicare Part D. In 2025, it’s estimated that premiums could go up another 50 percent! What could actually lower healthcare costs for seniors is if the federal government brings back the Trump Rebate Rule.

In 2020, President Trump announced a policy that provided seniors the chance to capture the rebates that drug manufacturers pay back…

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