Published On: July 4th, 2023Categories: Florida News

A key spokesperson for the Never Back Down super PAC warns that there is trouble afoot for the Ron DeSantis campaign, with the presidential contender “way behind,” though the race is not “unwinnable.”

During a Twitter Space, former Donald Trump supporter Steve Cortes offered a bleak view of the political landscape, stressing at the front of the broadcast that he was speaking for himself and not the political committee.

The Crypto Lawyers Twitter account, which hosted the space, pressed Cortes on polls that are deeply unfavorable to DeSantis nationally and in early states, as well as leaked audio that suggested DeSantis is running to the Right in the Primary but would tack to the center in the General Election, should he get there.

“To that point of the Primaries too, because I think this is important. Look, right now in national polling, we are way behind. I’ll be the first to admit that. OK?” Cortes said.

“It’s an uphill battle. I don’t think it’s an unwinnable battle by any stretch, OK? But clearly Donald Trump is the runaway front-runner, particularly since the indictments.”

From there, Cortes offered some spin about polling.

“In the first four states, which matter tremendously, polls are a lot tighter. We’re clearly still down, we’re down double digits. We have work to do. We have wood to chop.”

Poll averages suggest the first four states look more like national polling in terms of the spread than Cortes claims.

Trump is up over DeSantis 54% to 22% nationally. In Iowa, Trump leads 45% to 23%. In New Hampshire, Trump leads 46% to 15%. In Nevada, Trump leads 52% to 22%. And in South Carolina, Trump leads 41% to 18%.

Cortes claims voters just don’t know DeSantis yet, saying “a lot of regular Americans frankly don’t or they know very little about him,” and that the DeSantis camp will “close this gap” given that it has “resources.”

He also likened DeSantis to Trump, saying both were “right-wing patriotic populists,” and claiming 2024 is a “two-man race.”

Cortes also pointed to swing state polling as being better for DeSantis than Trump against Joe Biden, getting pushback given the lopsided polling in Primaries.

“We’re not going to talk about the playoffs until we qualify for the playoffs,” he joked.

Cortes also called Trump the “maestro” of debates, saying Trump “debates like Jack Nicklaus plays golf,” and acknowledging that would present a challenge to DeSantis.

“Is Ron the debater that Donald Trump is? No, he isn’t,” Cortes said, adding that increased “reps” are making DeSantis “better and better” at “succeeding on his feet,” preparing him to go “toe to toe” with Trump.

“Is DeSantis the underdog? Absolutely. But he can win,” Cortes contended.

Cortes also disputed claims that DeSantis would move to the center.

“This is a man who has governed, who ran from the Right, who has governed from the Right and will continue to run — and hopefully as President, govern — from the Right,” Cortes contended.

Cortes also addressed the state’s “cooperative, terrific Legislature” giving DeSantis an advantage, acknowledging the Governor would not enjoy the advantage of an “easy Tallahassee Legislature” supermajority if President, but said he could use “executive orders” if elected to counteract Congress and federal agencies in an “incredibly aggressive” manner.

“The only way to bring that bureaucracy and administrative state to heel is to have an incredibly strong executive,” Cortes said.

Cortes also defended what the host called a “seven-month book tour shadow campaign” immediately after DeSantis’ re-election, and campaigning as Governor.

“He is doing both. Is that easy? No. Can it be done? Yes,” he said.

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