Brad Underwood’s ‘Moneyball’ approach will be put to the test
TCR // Craig Pessman | Craig Pessman Several players have already seized their opportunities in TSJ’s absence. On this episode of the Oskee Talk podcast I’m joined by our Pleas [...]
TCR // Craig Pessman | Craig Pessman Several players have already seized their opportunities in TSJ’s absence. On this episode of the Oskee Talk podcast I’m joined by our Pleas [...]
Merry Christmas, Illinois Land! Pounding Missouri into submission during the annual Braggin’ Rights game never gets old. That was especially true this holiday season, as Illinois and Brad Underwood came [...]
For two days, Illinois Head Basketball Coach Brad Underwood will be exactly 20 years older than me. BU turns 60 today. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy [...]
I wrote a piece a few weeks ago examining Illinois’ recent history with inexperienced point guards. The seasons that I discussed — 2011-12 and 2014-15 — didn’t end up going [...]