TikTok has become a dominant force in social media, especially among Gen Z. With its short-form video content and engaging features, this platform presents a unique opportunity for brands to connect with this influential audience. Despite its pending US ban, you should not ignore its power if you wish to maximize engagement with Gen Z. 

Strategic TikTok Social Media Marketing Steps 

Understand Your Audience on TikTok 

Before diving into TikTok marketing, it is crucial to understand your target audience, i.e. Gen Z. This generation values authenticity, creativity, and social causes. They respond well to content that is genuine, entertaining, and aligns with their values. 

You can start researching popular trends, hashtags, and challenges on TikTok to grasp what resonates with Gen Z users. 

Create Authentic Content 

Authencitiy is key on TikTok. Avoid overly polished…

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