The Fozzio Music Healing invention was designed, manufactured and assembled by 16-year-old Arielle Levi.

A conversation with Idaho’s most prolific teen inventor travels in many unexpected directions, because this 16-year-old possesses an intense desire to learn — and it shows in both her intelligence and creativity.

Behind her brown eyes and mature disposition is a world of ideas.

“Arielle is one of the most prolific teenage inventors in Idaho. Her solutions are viable and fully developed, ready for production. In over 30 years of directing Invent Idaho, we have never had a teenager who is so prolific,” said Beth Brubaker, the state director of Invent Idaho.

Arielle Levi is passionate about: the healing power of classical music; her pet sugar gliders; philosophical concepts; the intricacies of grounding electricity; learning new languages.

When Arielle’s passions meet inspiration, she produces original inventions that win top honors at both state and national competitions.

“One judge last year was so impressed with her invention that he made it possible for her to pitch her invention at an entrepreneurial weekend event, and she won. She was the only high school student amidst all college and older students,” Brubaker said.

Her newest invention, Fozzio Music Healing, was named grand champion earlier this year at the annual Invent Idaho competition held at the University of Idaho. She is now a two-time Idaho grand champion winner and a first-place winner at the Invention Convention U.S. Nationals.

“If there’s a problem that I need to solve, then I will solve it,” Arielle said.

Her inventions carry personal significance and connections to her life; she’s not interested in financial gain or accolades.

“There is a tremendous potential for consumers because there is a huge need for her inventions,” Brubaker said.

The 12-year-old inventor

While in elementary school, the self-described “animal fanatic” created the Fre-Ez Feeder frozen pet food dispenser. This invention was an Idaho grand champion winner and also took first place at the national level.

The problem: how to feed sugar gliders every night or while you’re away from your house? Arielle has two of them.

A sugar glider is a small marsupial possum found in the treetops of Australia, Tasmania, Indonesia, and Papua-New Guinea. They get their name because of their preference for sweet foods and have a gliding membrane similar to that of a flying squirrel. They are about the size of a large hamster, according to the veterinary department at Purdue University.

She designed an automatic feeding device that dispenses frozen pellets. Those pellets are formed from a recipe of proteins, sugar, oatmeal, eggs and other various odds and ends. 

The 14-year-old inventor

Around eighth grade, her interests shifted toward electronics and facial recognition, so she created the Opt Out Glasses, which provide a higher level of privacy. That invention won first place in Idaho but it was also the COVID year, so Arielle was unable to compete at the national level.

The 15-year-old inventor

The Human Surge Protector adapter is a device that protects the body from dirty electricity. The product is available to purchase online and there is a patent pending.

It is designed for use with existing grounding products, which “give the body a neutral reference point for electrical balance and stability,” according to Arielle’s website. The adapter allows energy to flow in one direction to protect the consumer from dirty electricity in the ground circuitry of buildings.

This invention took grand champion honors in Idaho. She was unable to compete at the national competition last year.

The 16-year-old inventor

The Fozzio Music Healing device is her latest idea, inspired by audience feedback after a violin concert. At the conclusion of a performance, audience members would sometimes share how good they feel.

Arielle said non-invasive music therapy has the ability to positively affect parts of the body through frequency healing. The idea is to embed frequencies within specifically selected classical music to help the healing process of various physical ailments.

“Music is an elevated way of feeling, in a world where society is not allowing us to feel,” Arielle said.

She designed, manufactured (through 3D printing) and assembled the audio system. She created audio inserts with tracks for different ailments: cramps, pain, insomnia, or anxiety. Specific frequencies address specific ailments.

Arielle’s invention took grand champion honors and she will be invited to the national competition later this year.

“Arielle is one of the most multi-talented students I have ever encountered in over 40 years as an educator,” Brubaker said.

Darren Svan

About Darren Svan

Reporter Darren Svan is based in the Treasure Valley and has a background in both journalism and education. Prior to working for military schools at overseas installations, he was news editor at several publications in Wyoming and Colorado. You can send news tips to [email protected]

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