Published On: February 3rd, 2023Categories: AI News

The first iPhone came in 2017, and it took the world by storm. The iPhone revolutionized the worldwide smartphone business by introducing novel features such as touchscreen displays and virtual keyboards.  The launch of the iPhone forced competitors to develop new products and operating systems in order to meet the new market demands. Apple has introduced 13 iPhone series to date and is now the world’s second-largest smartphone provider in terms of sales.

Although it’s been 15 years since the iPhone hit the market, it remains one of the most-sold mobile devices in the world, with 153 million iPhone units shipped in the first three quarters of 2022 alone. It is estimated that more than 2.24 billion iPhones have been sold to date.

As of Quarter 3, 2022, iPhones have a 17.2% market share. With such a huge market share, marketers worldwide need to know the facts and figures around it. I have compiled all the important iPhone statistics for marketers and iPhone lovers…

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The first iPhone came in 2017, and it took the world by storm. The iPhone revolutionized the worldwide smartphone business by introducing novel features such as touchscreen displays and virtual keyboards.  The launch of the iPhone forced competitors to develop new products and operating systems in order to meet the new market demands. Apple has introduced 13 iPhone series to date and is now the world’s second-largest smartphone provider in terms of sales.

Although it’s been 15 years since the iPhone hit the market, it remains one of the most-sold mobile devices in the world, with 153 million iPhone units shipped in the first three quarters of 2022 alone. It is estimated that more than 2.24 billion iPhones have been sold to date.

As of Quarter 3, 2022, iPhones have a 17.2% market share. With such a huge market share, marketers worldwide need to know the facts and figures around it. I have compiled all the important iPhone statistics for marketers and iPhone lovers…

, 26+ iPhone User & Sales Statistics (Fresh Data 2023) , Daniel Ruby , 2023-02-03 09:58:00 , Demand Sage , , , [rule_{ruleNumber}] , [rule_{ruleNumber}_plain] , , , , , , , Data Statistics , Prompt, #iPhone #User #Sales #Statistics #Fresh #Data


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