Self-esteem is a reflection of our true inner sense of well-being and our deepest inner sense of self value. It is a picture of the way that we feel about ourselves. A picture of our self-worth, our self-regard and our self-respect and a reflection of our ability to live in a manner that is aligned with our deepest inner needs and of our ability to be emotionally responsive to the core of our well-being.

Our self-esteem is a reflection of the health and wellness of our soul.

8 Keys to Healthy Self-Esteem

1. Relational Living… Human beings are 100 percent relational. We live in a continuous state of relating. There is always a relationship between our inner world and our outer world; a continual energetic exchange that takes place between our inner and outer experiences. The external circumstances that we draw to ourselves are a reflection of our internal state of experience. And it isn’t simply our state of mind that dictates this… it’s our emotions that color and influence this energetic exchange.

2. Relationship… The health of our self-esteem is relative to the quality of the relationship between our mind and our emotions. Our external relationships and the way that we engage and navigate our world will act as a mirror of this internal relationship and our external actions and the way that we live our lives will have a direct impact on our self-esteem and on our core inner beliefs. The manner in which we live will either be feeding and fueling our self-esteem, or it will be depleting it.

3. Emotional Language. Our emotions are continually informing us. They are our navigational system, and they’re giving us information. Our emotions are the absolute expression of relatedness and of relationship; they give voice to the exchange of everything that is taking place in our pure and real experience …

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8 Keys to Healthy Self-Esteem, a Reflection of the Wellness of Our Soul

A picture of our self-worth, our self-regard and our self-respect and a reflection of our ability to live in a manner that is aligned with our deepest inner needs and of our ability to be emotionally responsive to the core of our well-being….