OPL: OpenAI, Pinecone, and Lanchain for knowledge-based AI assistant
I remember a month ago, Eugene Yan posted a poll on Linkedin:
Are you feeling the FOMO from not working on LLMs/Generative AI?
Most answered “Yes”. It’s easy to understand why, given the sweeping attention generated by chatGPT and now the release of gpt-4. People describe the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) feels like the iPhone moment. Yet I think there’s really no need to feel the FOMO. Consider this: missing out on the opportunity to develop iPhones doesn’t preclude the ample potential for creating innovative iPhone apps. So too with LLMs. We have just entered the dawn of a new era and now it’s the perfect time to harness the magic of integrating LLMs to build powerful applications.
In this post, I’ll cover below topics:
- What is the OPL stack?
- How to use the OPL to build chatGPT with domain knowledge? (Essential components with…
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