angelina jolie

The modeling and acting career of Angelina Jolie is well documented. She was born June 4th, 1975. She has also been involved in directing and screenwriting where she is spending time behind the scenes. Her father is actor Jon Voight, and her first acting role was with him in 1982 in Lookin’ to get Out. While she was involved in many roles over the years, it wasn’t until 2001 in Tomb Raiders when she became very well known.

The depth of her roles has certainly been something to look at. In 2007 her appearance was greatly changed in the role of a mother trying to find her lost son called Changling. Many were disappointed with the movie The Accidental Tourist with Jolie and Johnny Depp in 2010. They expected more from such a dynamic duo. Yet they were quite impressed with her role that same year in Salt as a spy.

Relationships seemed to be a huge part of the media attention surrounding her. Her mom has been criticized for allowing her to have a live in boyfriend when she was only 14, as long as she still went to school and got good grades. She has been divorced from Johnny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thorton. She also has a very rocky relationship with her father. Even though he has extended the olive branch, there remains no communication between them.

Being married to Brad Pitt is certainly worth mentioning when it comes to Angelina Jolie. Many though have criticized how they met on the set of a movie when he was still married to Jennifer Aniston. However, both continue to claim that no romance took place during the filming of the movie.

Together, the couple have 6 children. 3 of them are adopted and 3 of them are biological. The couple have been photographed with their children all over the world and involved in an array of hands on activities.  Both have been noted as passionate humanitarians. She has been to more than 30 countries out there talking to refugees.

She has recently been in the media for the decision to have a double mastectomy in an effort to reduce her genetic risk of developing breast cancer. This decision has been deemed as very bold and promoting to women stress and not to depend only on physical appearance but also on overall health and well-being. She has an estimated worth of $27 million on her own and Pitt about $30 million.

photo credits : flickr