Despite having a rocky start to the year, Apple is starting comfortably with the best performing stock in the Dow Jones in 2019. Year to date, the firm has experienced 40 percent gains however, it’s the last month that’s seen the most gains as the iPhone 11 has driven demand massively. With an extra camera and better battery life, the new iPhone model sparked sales for the tech giant but a serious flaw in the screen could pose a risk to such positive dialogue as well as an already rough relationship with China.

Unfortunately for investors in the Dow giant, consumers were finding a significant flaw with the new iPhone screen. A lot of buyers reported finding that their screens were easily damaged, with scratches and smudges forming quickly. A 21-page thread is developing on the Apple discussions page, kick-started by the following post from MatiasMB:

“My wife and me have put our brand new iphones 11 inside our pocket pants and both screens get scratched the second day of use (mines right in the selfie camera, apple says “without mal function”…). Has someone experimented something similar? We are really disappointed… worst screen ever…”

One other user pointed out the following as well as attaching a screenshot of the unusual scratch on their brand new iPhone.

“Mine’s more like a finger smear but doesn’t go away. It’s more disturbing than a scratch.”

This is quite an ironic thing to happen to the new iPhone as Apple has claimed it is the strongest screen ever put in a smartphone.

Personally, I’ve had my iPhone 11 for almost two weeks now and I haven’t had a single issue with it (touch wood). 


As Previously reported by CryptoDaily, Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple recently addressed cryptocurrency in a recent interview with the French news outlet, Les Echoes

After being asked whether Apple is planning to create a currency, Cook said:

“No. I deeply believe that money must remain in the hands of states. I am not comfortable with the idea that a private group creates a competing currency. A private company does not have to seek to gain power in this way. Money, like Defense, must remain in the hands of States, it is at the heart of their mission. We elect our representatives to assume government responsibilities. Companies are not elected, they do not have to go on this ground.”

For more news on this and other crypto updates, keep it with CryptoDaily!

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