The ancient Chinese discovered the healthy benefits of drinking kombucha tea more than 2000 years ago. They considered it to be so powerful that they referred to it as an “immortal health elixir”. Kombucha has been steadily gaining popularity in recent years for its effectiveness in reducing certain health risks as well as promoting overall well-being.

Kombucha is a raw, fermented and naturally carbonated tea. It is made by fermenting tea and sugar with a culture of bacteria and yeasts. The taste can range, depending upon the type of tea, from a sparkling apple cider to champagne. Some brands tends to have a slight vinegar taste.

Kombucha has recently gained popularity due to its many health benefits. Listed below are some of those benefits:

  • Kombucha detoxifies the body. Because it contains much of the bacteria and enzymes needed for detoxification, it helps to unburden the liver and reduces the load on the pancreas.
  • Due to its ability to detoxify the body, kombucha can aid in the prevention as well as the treatment of cancer.
  • It improves digestion. Kombucha is probiotic and contributes to a healthy digestive flora in the gut that help break down foods and aids absorption.
  • Kombucha reduces the risk of arthritis. It contains high amounts of glucosamines, which help maintain the lubrication and flexibility of the joints.
  • It can help you lose weight. The better food is digested the greater the chance of releasing excess weight. For many people, kombucha tends to have an appetite suppressant quality as well.
  • It helps reduce stress levels. Kombucha contains theanine, which promotes alpha wave production in the brain and also increases serotonin levels.
  • Kombucha contains acids which have a calming effect on the body, which aids depression and anxiety disorders. It can also assist in overcoming sleep disorders and improve the overall quality of sleep.
  • It boosts the immune system. Kombucha helps to cleanse and detoxify the liver, thus helping to restore the body to its natural state.
  • It increases energy levels. Kombucha has a natural supply of vitamin B6 along with other B vitamins.

Many advocates of kombucha also report younger looking skin and the reduction or elimination of skin conditions, such as eczema. Others report healthier hair. Since kombucha has an alkalising effect on the body, these claims could very well hold merit.

Kombucha can be purchased through most health food stores as well as some mainstream grocery stores. It is available “plain” or with added flavors, such as pomegranate. The important thing to keep in mind is to stay as close to the natural, raw kombucha as possible in order to achieve the most optimal benefits from it.

Source by Lisa E Miller