Chicago aldermen advance $5 million settlement for man wrongly declar...

The family of a Chicago man wrongly pronounced dead by paramedics is a step closer to receiving a $5 million settlement from the city.

Members of the City Council’s Committee on Finance voted Monday to recommend the settlement for the family of Whitfield Marshall Jr. Marshall died in February 2019 shortly after he was hospitalized following paramedics’ incorrectly determining he was already dead.

Marshall’s family arrived at his Near West Side home after the medics had pronounced him, only to hear him grumble, city attorney Margaret Casey told aldermen.

“The family arrived four hours later to make preparations for Mr. Marshall’s body, heard Mr. Marshall moaning and called 911,” she said.

The father of three was rushed to the hospital, but never regained consciousness. Days later, his family elected to take him off life support. His family alleges the delayed treatment caused Marshall to suffer brain damage, Casey said.

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Feed Name : Chicago Tribune

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