The City of Boulder is inviting prospective vendors to attend a webinar designed to provide more information related to the city’s construction of a new fiber optic backbone infrastructure.
The event will take place Thursday, Aug. 29, from 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Vendors can register here:
Hosted by the City of Boulder’s Chief Innovation and Technology Officer, Julia Richman, the webinar will outline the initiative’s background and progress to date. In addition, the city will also cover the high-level specifications and expectations for construction services, while also providing an expected solicitation timeline.
Boulder is building the first step of a world-class community telecommunications infrastructure for the 21st Century and beyond. Broadband connectivity is a critical infrastructure service for quality of modern life, as is the case with roads, water, sewer and electricity.
The webinar will take place via teleconference and if time allows, the city will open the floor for a brief Question & Answer period.
For more information, or to register for the City of Boulder Pre-solicitation webinar – Community Broadband Construction:
Published: Aug. 19, 2019
Media Contacts:
Julia Richman, Chief Innovation and Technology Officer, 720-390-0738
Bryan Rachal, Deputy Director of Communication, 303-441-3155
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