Published On: February 11th, 2023Categories: AI News

CSS selectors can seem challenging because they provide a wide range of options for selecting HTML elements to style, and it’s essential to understand the various options available and how they work. In addition, selectors allow you to target specific elements, classes, ids, attributes, and even pseudo-elements, based on their structure and relationships with other elements in your HTML.

📒 Therefore, I’ve come up with the complete guide/crash course/cheat sheet, whatever you call it, of CSS selectors to make your life easier.

Basic Selectors

Name CSS Description Result
Universal Selector * Select all elements result
Type div Select elements of that type` result
Class .c Select elements with that class result
Id #i Select elements with that id result

Combination of selectors


Pseudo Element Selctor

Name CSS       Description Result
Before div::before Creates an empty element directly before the...

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