Published On: March 13th, 2023Categories: AI News

Creativity, AI, and the Fifth Industrial Revolution

Tacos, live music, and…generative AI?

SXSW has officially landed in Austin this week and AI is definitely the festival darling. With dozens of panels featuring AI industry experts and entrepreneurs, attendees have been scrambling to hear about all things generative AI.

And as an Austin local attending my first SXSW as a Jasper employee, I was no less excited to hear what others had to say about this explosive industry.

The first panel I attended was Thinkingbox’s “The Sunday Society: Creativity, AI, and the Fifth Industrial Revolution” which explored the relationship between generative AI and creativity, both now and in the years to come.

While there were a few questions around whether it’s possible to maintain authenticity and creative expression when using AI tools, the panelists’ views and predictions were largely optimistic, centering humanness as a key ingredient of AI usefulness, even decades into the future.

Here are some of my favorite moments from “Creativity, AI, and…

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2023-03-13 21:07:40
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