Published On: March 4th, 2023Categories: California News
Downtown L.A stabbing sends six to hospital; 1 arrested

Six people were stabbed during a brawl in downtown Los Angeles early Saturday, police said.

The fight erupted between two groups of men about 2 a.m. near the intersection of 7th Street and Broadway and resulted in six people being transported to the hospital, police said. The severity of their injuries is unknown.

An unidentified 20-year-old male suspect was arrested at the scene, police said.

It was unclear what sparked the melee, but officers did not believe the incident was gang related, Los Angeles police Officer J. Chavez said.

Several law enforcement vehicles are parked on a street at night in front of yellow police tape.

Police closed off the street after a fight and stabbing occurred in downtown Los Angeles early Saturday morning.


“I don’t know what started it or if they knew each other,” Chavez said.

The two groups started fighting and one man pulled a knife and slashed several of the other victims, he said.

Video obtained by KTLA-TV shows multiple people being loaded into ambulances near the intersection. One man appeared to have a deep cut on his face and was holding a cloth to slow the bleeding.

Another video shows multiple men and one woman blocking traffic, while wrestling and punching each other in the middle of the street. At one point a man in a gray sweatshirt appears to take a knife and lunge at another man as he’s being led away.

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