Published On: October 14th, 2019Categories: Florida News

Jane Galitello

Jane Galitello

Violence erupted at a Port Richey home over the weekend, apparently over a TV show.

Deputies from the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office responding to a domestic disturbance call made contact with a 70-year-old man Sunday night who said that his lady friend, Jane Galitello, had attacked him.

According to the police report, the victim showed bloody scratches to his arm consistent with fingernails. He said he also had a bump on his head from a different fight the couple had on Friday night over a show he was watching on Cinemax that featured a “topless woman.”

Galitello confirmed that the two had argued because her boyfriend was watching “pornography.”

The 70-year-old man said that the 77-year-old woman had also attacked him on Friday night, hitting him over the head with a metal detector.

Though the deputy saw no mark from the tool, he did see the metal detector leaning up against the entertainment center.

Galitello, who admitted that the two were in couples therapy, said she may have “accidentally tapped him” with the detector but denied hurting him.

She said she was doing “God’s work,” read the complaint.

“Based on the totality of the circumstances (statements made by involved parties, injuries present), I placed Jane under arrest for domestic arrest on a person over 65.”

The retiree was arrested and taken to Land O Lakes Detention Center without bond.

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