If you thought we weren’t going to mention Game of Thrones week, oh boy, were you wrong!

Whereas it is very sad that Game of Thrones is over (no matter how many signatures the petition gets) the show will forever live in our hearts, even if the ending was a little… lacking?

The actor who plays everyone’s favourite sellsword (and now master of coin???) Ser Bronn is a tad different from his character in real life.

Saying that, Jerome Flynn and his character aren’t all that different. Just as Bronn finished the series as Master of Coin, Flynn is now the Master of Coin too, but instead of working for Westeros, he works with VeganCoin – the cryptocurrency for which the vegan industry has desperately been waiting for.

For more than thirty years now Flynn has been a vegetarian and while he worked on Game of Thrones he decided to go full vegan. He doesn’t shy away from giving support to vegan-like causes through his Twitter either.

Even though Flynn himself hasn’t tweeted about VeganCoin, a project of VeganNation whose advisory board he recently joined. But in a press release he did say:

“Vegan Nation is the basis of an international vegan economy that makes vegan lives simpler, more economical, and better for the Earth and the soul of each of us. VeganCoin will allow many more to become vegans and thereby contribute to the reduction of our ecological footprint.”

The token is part of the VeganNation ecosystem. They describe themselves as:

“Our blockchain-based ecosystem incorporates these values in an effort to empower those who truly live by them. A cruelty-free one-stop-shop brings Consumers, business owners and even corporates together, all using one cryptocurrency, making it easier, cheaper and safer to trade.”

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