In a thread on Reddit, a user recently asked for advice on landing a job at a big tech company like Google.

Google’s Search Advocate, John Mueller, who has been with the company since 2007, responded with several valuable insights.

For many, landing a job at Google or another major tech company can be a dream.

However, it’s important to remember that hiring at companies of Google’s size can be lengthy and competitive.

With Mueller’s advice, aspiring job applicants can better position themselves for their dream job.

Aspiring tech workers can increase their chances of landing a job by building their skills and knowledge, making industry contacts, and preparing for interviews.

Here’s what Mueller says about how to position yourself for success.

Develop Your Skills & Build Industry Contacts

Mueller advises potential job applicants to take the time to build their skills and knowledge to a high level and make industry contacts.

He suggests studying and contributing to…

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