Until recent years, mobile internet browsers were little more than a means to connect to the web on the go. With this, developers started implementing crypto-friendly functionality like a wallet, VPN or a dApp store. This and more, have a big boost to the simple mobile browser and changed it into a very powerful toolkit with a big range of applications.  

Mobile web browsers are subtly evolving into highly versatile tools for cryptocurrency users. During this process, they have lowered the barriers for entry for beginners by making it much easier to start owning and using cryptocurrencies.

Several software and hardware developers have been adding functionality to feature phones through infusing them with the right tools needed to browse the Web 3.0 but this has all been done under the collar, so to speak. Even though it’s still in its early stages, the progress has been made in bringing everyday usability to crypto assets is a good sign for wider adoption.

Dream Team is an esports token that can be used for payment, sponsorship and competitions prizes in the $750m gaming market. While creating use cases for the project’s token has been quite a simple process so far, getting it into the hands of its expected audience is another story. Thanks to the need of “in-browser crypto wallets, young, mobile-oriented audiences can receive and award tokens such as Dream Team’s seamlessly while streaming their favorite esports events.”

Opera’s crypto-friendly Android browser has been pivotal in driving this trend, with brave hot on its heels.

Until Opera came along though, spending cryptocurrency in-browser was mainly constrained to desktop devices with Metamask handling ETH and ERC20 tokens.

Opera took that extra step forward and introduced an in-browser VPN for users on mobile, something that is easy to activate. Similarly, the new Android update brought in crypto pairing and enabled mobile users to link their Opera cryptocurrency wallet with their desktop browser. They explained:

“With the recent improvements to our Crypto Wallet, including our efforts to dramatically simplify the acquisition of funds, we are fulfilling our goal to make Opera for Android the natural choice for stepping into blockchain technology and Web 3.0 for the first time.”

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