Published On: March 27th, 2023Categories: AI News

How to Make AI Content Better – AIO Writing Guide

It costs 15 percent less to acquire customers with content marketing than with paid acquisition. But to succeed with content marketing you will have to publish a lot of content. 

This fact is not lost on marketers, 68 percent of whom create at least one piece of content per day. And thanks to AI, they can now publish a lot more content without burdening the business with a huge overhead or sacrificing quality.

With an AI writer, you can now scale content creation 25x faster than is possible with a human writer. The AI takes care of the content creation overhead, the eternal challenge of content marketing in an emphatic way.

But while AI writers have great benefits, they do not better the human writer in every way. This is why at Content At Scale we developed the AIO writing model which redefines the role of the human writer in the content creation process.

This article breaks down the CRAFT framework, the quality assurance tool the AIO writer uses to take the baseline the AI generates…

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Julia McCoy
2023-03-27 16:04:02
Content @ Scale–-AIO-Writing-Guide.png[rule_{ruleNumber}] [rule_{ruleNumber}_plain] ,
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