Darjeeling tea is undoubtedly one of the most famous varieties of tea. It is loved across the world by people who consider them to be connoisseurs of the beverage or even those who simply like to sip on it. It comes in different varieties, Oolong, Dark and White. Once you buy the best and most genuine varieties of this brew, you can enjoy a rich aroma and get the beverage in a light shaded mix. It has a flavor that has a hot fragrance and a solid tannic property. Find out about the different varieties of Darjeeling tea flushes, and how to recognize one from another.

First Flush

It is harvested sometime during the month of March. The tea flush is characterized often by mild flavor, and has a light green color. It has a mellow fragrance and a light shade. This is similar to Oolong tea in different ways. However, it is collected right after rainfall in the spring season. The brew leaves are meticulously harvested, and plantation workers take utmost care while picking up each leaf.

Second Flush

It is collected during June. The tea is liked for its yellowish color and a fragrant aroma. The muscatel flavor only improves its taste for consumers. Darjeeling second flush wholesale tea is harvested sometime during the month of June, after the first flush. It has a stronger flavor as compared to the first flush, although still milder than what you can expect in many of the black tea varieties from Darjeeling. The second flush variety is what most buyers of Darjeeling black tea go for.

Third Flush

It is picked when it is monsoon. The tea flush has a darker and stronger appearance. The flavor is somewhat bitter, which is the reason why it is the least in demand among consumers. However, people who love breakfast tea with a stronger flavor and aroma like to go for this type. The monsoon variety of Darjeeling tea is sold only rarely, as it enjoys the least popularity.

Autumnal Flush

As the name suggests, it is picked only in autumn, following the monsoons. Although its flavor is rich, it is slightly zesty. Consumers across the world like this flush, although not as much as Darjeeling 2nd flush tea in bulk. Nonetheless it is a very popular flush and comes with a light color and sensitive aroma. When compared to the monsoon variety, this flush has a less strong scent. However, this makes it much better in taste than the rain / monsoon flush. This full-bodied flush is liked in Asian as well as in Western countries and it comes with the promise of richness and quality for consumers.

It is important that you buy this type of tea only from a reputed online store, in order to be assured of the authenticity of quality. It is important that you only buy genuine Darjeeling tea from a top store, so that you can enjoy optimal nutritional value and rich benefits for health that this beverage comes with.

Source by Sneha Birla