In 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made history when he managed to exchange ten thousand Bitcoins with another early Bitcoin enthusiast for two pizzas. At the time, Bitcoin was $0.003 and those pizzas cost him around $30. Looking at today’s prices though, those Bitcoins would be worth a hell of a lot more, close the $70 million.

Since that day in 2010, it has become a bit of a tradition in the crypto community.

It’s actually nine years to the day that the exchange happened and so to honour the tradition, Huobi Global is setting up a range of initiatives. This includes the launch of the Reserve Protocol’s Reserve Rights Token through their premium coin launch platform Huobi Prime. HG will also be hosting a special sale of Bitcoin featuring prices discounted up to fifty percent off market value.

“Bitcoin Pizza Day is Prime Day this year,” said Huobi Global CEO Livio Weng on the BTC promotion. “Things started as a joke that we were going to list Bitcoin through Prime but then I kept thinking, what better way to mark Prime 3 and celebrate Pizza Day? Let’s actually do this!”

$1.5 million USDT-worth of Bitcoin will be provided by Huobi to users in two special trading rounds for the PrimeBTC event today (May 22nd) starting at 18:00 GMT +8.

As it says in the HG blog:

“In the first round, 20% of the total Bitcoin supply will be offered to users at 50% off market price*. In the second, the remaining 80% of Bitcoin will be provided to users at 12% off market price*. While the first round will be first-come, first-served, in the second, all qualified orders will be partially filled via adjusted system matching.”

The Head of Marketing for Huobi Group, Ross Zhang has said:

“All qualified users in our second round will get at least some of the BTC they seek. I do want to warn people, though – we expect demand to be very high, so you’ll have to be lucky and quick in the first round. Also, anyone who goes into the second expecting his or her entire order to be filled may need to adjust their expectations.”

To find out more about Prime day click here.

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