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Japanese furniture brand Maruni Wood Industry will launch new furniture, including two wood-framed sofas, at Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2014 in Milan.

Maruni will be exhibiting a range of wooden furniture by Naoto Fukasawa and Jasper Morrison from its collection, alongside new products.

Maruni art director and industrial designer Naoto Fukasawa has created the first new sofa with a curved upholstered back that gently wraps around the body. The seat is also upholstered and rests on a simple wooden frame. The Roundish sofa is a version of a chair Fukasawa designed for Maruni in 2011.

Maruni will also showcase the new Bruno sofa by British designer Jasper Morrison, which features full rounded cushions on a bench-like wooden frame. Morrison also designed the Lightwood chair for Maruni in 2011.

The sofas are upholstered in Kvadrat fabrics newly acquired by Maruni: smoky green and navy.

The items have been made using woodworking techniques derived from handcrafting, shown in the movie above.

The Maruni Collection 2014 will be on show at Stand D33, Hall 6, at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan from 8 to 13 April 2014.

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