Monday is National Cheeseburger Day. Here's where you can celebrate i...

If you love cheeseburgers (which if you read past the headline you probably do) Monday is your day.

National Cheeseburger Day is upon us. Unlike other so-called holidays, like National Marzipan Day (Jan. 12) or Asparagus Day (May 24), this one is important. Because cheeseburgers.

While a burger from the backyard grill is hard to beat, sometimes you want someone else to do the work.

In our annual poll of readers to choose the Best of the Best of everything, one burger stood supreme.

Brandt’s of Palatine, located at 807 W. Northwest Hwy., was chosen as our readers’ favorite. Their half-pound burgers are made from a fresh-ground combo of short rib and deep chuck, then served on a choice of six buns or breads. The restaurant, located in a 130-year-old farm house that has been a restaurant since the ’50s, has also been featured for their burger on “Chicago’s Best.”

If you want to get a little fancier, our Best New Restaurant…

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