Published On: December 10th, 2023Categories: Iowa News

My brief chat with ChatGPT 4 on the pitfalls of year-end predictions

Iowa Writers 'Collaborative. Linking Iowa readers and writers.December brings the barrage of an inescapable seasonal ritual.

Of course, I’m talking about the tendency for people—many perhaps too woozy on eggnog — to try to sum up the previous year and/or predict the year ahead.

Lately, I’ve obsessed about how we’re drowning in commentary and opinions on every platform — including TikTok, now the hot news source — even as we’re starved for rigorous original reporting among the rampant closure of local newsrooms.

So, I turned to ChatGPT for solace.

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, provides a “ChatGPT Plus” subscription service with access to ChatGPT 4, a significantly better AI than the public version. I subscribed to experiment and have been surprised about how my prompt threads have felt more like conversations with an emotionally vulnerable entity than sterile bot chats. (Yes, OpenAI just navigated a radical leadership crisis. Listen to this episode of the New York Times

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Feed Name : Iowa Capital Dispatch

Commentary,artificial intelligence,ChatGPT,Iowa Writers’ Collaborative,OpenAI,year-end predictions
hashtags : #chat #ChatGPT #pitfalls #yearend #predictions

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