Pasco County K-9 deputies arrest naked burgular

A homeowner in Land O’ Lakes found Jonathan Whitney, 33, sleeping naked inside his garage early Wednesday morning. Whitney then took off with a shirt and boxers. K-9 deputies found him hiding in nearby bushes.

A homeowner in Land O’ Lakes found Jonathan Whitney, 33, sleeping naked inside his garage early Wednesday morning. Whitney then took off with a shirt and boxers. K-9 deputies found him hiding in nearby bushes.

A naked Florida man who broke into a home is now clothed and behind bars, deputies say.

A Land O’ Lakes homeowner found Jonathan Whitney, 33, sleeping on a bench inside his garage early Wednesday morning, according to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office. His clothes nowhere in sight.

The owner, who identified himself only as Ron to WFLA, said he walked into the garage and found a case of beer on the couch. Confused, he turned around and found Whitney. He then grabbed a paddle and woke him up.

“I had it right there against his throat,” Ron told the TV station “I said, ‘You move, and it’ll be down your throat.’ ”

Whitney then bolted. He stole a shirt and boxer shorts, according to Kevin Doll, the department’s public information officer.

Ron said the “dirty boxers” were his son’s.

K-9 deputies found Whitney hiding in some nearby bushes. A deputy’s body camera captured Whitney eventually coming out, hands up, still wearing the dirty boxers.

Doll said it’s still unclear how Whitney broke into the garage.

He was arrested and is charged with burglary of an occupied dwelling, indecent exposure and resisting an officer without violence. This also isn’t his first run-in with the law. Pasco County arrest records show a history of arrests, including forgery.

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Real Time/Breaking News Reporter. There’s never a dull moment in Florida — and I cover it. Graduated with honors from Florida International University. Find me on Twitter @TweetMichelleM

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