The Swiss-based food and drinks company, Nestlé is one of the few of its kind to take steps towards transparency in the supply chain. This is in an effort to fight off deforestation and promote ethical sourcing.

In a new press release posted by the company on 2nd July, they announce their collaboration with OpenSC, a blockchain-enabled food tracking platform that enables anyone to independently access sustainability and supply chain data so they can trace their food back to its original warehouse and source.

Speaking in third-person, Nestlé state:

“Through this collaboration, Nestlé becomes the first major food and beverage company to announce that it will pilot open blockchain technology in this way. This is part of Nestlé’s journey towards full transparency.”

Fighting Exploitation

Nestlé has been gaining the aid of the Starling satellite tech from the aerospace firm Airbus Defense and Space into tracking the impact of the palm oil industry on worldwide forest cover. On top of this, once the pilot program with milk production finishes, Nestlé will use the OpenSC blockchain in the palm oil sourcing process. 

Deforestation has been caused by many factors but the main one is unchecked exploitation in the industry. Nestlé will be fighting this with the help of blockchain.

In the same press release, the Executive Vice President and Head of Operations, Magdi Batato states:

“We want our consumers to make an informed decision on their choice of products — to choose products produced responsibly. Open blockchain technology might allow us to share reliable information with consumers in an accessible way.”

The Global Head of Responsible Sourcing for the Swiss giant, Benjamin Ware explained how significant this partnership was, saying:

“This open blockchain technology will allow anyone, anywhere in the world to assess our responsible sourcing facts and figures”. He added, “We believe it is another important step towards the full disclosure of our supply chains announced by Nestlé in February this year, raising the bar for transparency and responsible production globally.”

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