New David Fincher film disguised a Chicago suburb as New York – NBC C...

A Chicago suburb played a prominent role in a pivotal scene in David Fincher’s new Netflix thriller, but you might not have known it as the film disguised the setting as being in New York.

“The Killer,” a classic Fincher film about an assassin who, “after a fateful near-miss … battles his employers, and himself, on an international manhunt he insists isn’t personal,” put a spotlight on the Chicago suburb of St. Charles — specifically the popular and historic Hotel Baker.

In the film, which stars Michael Fassbender, the main character travels to Beacon, New York, “a Hudson Valley town about two hours north of New York City” for a face-off with a fellow “professional,” Tilda Swinton.

But while the scene is set in New York, the footage actually shows St. Charles. At one point, Hotel Baker serves as a waterfront restaurant where the two characters share a tense drink.

St. Charles said filming took place in March 2022. Despite being disguised in the film,…

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