Published On: November 29th, 2023Categories: Iowa News

Nikki Haley builds momentum as best bet to knock off Trump in Republi...

Perhaps “Nikki-mentum” is too clumsy. And maybe “Haley’s comet” is too cute.

But however you want to put it, there’s no denying Nikki Haley is having a great month.

Despite a brief mid-month hiccup — where Haley offered up an ill-conceived and backlash-inviting social media ban on anonymity — the former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador seems to have fully recovered and is building serious momentum. This week, Americans for Prosperity, founded by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, made a splashy announcement with a ringing endorsement of Haley and, presumably, a significant financial investment in her campaign.

Importantly, with less than two months to go before the Iowa caucuses, the backing gives Haley more campaign infrastructure and organization, helping with direct-mail operations,…

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