Nikki Haley, once deploring Trump's

Nikki Haley, once a challenger in a vicious Republican primary, said on Wednesday that she would vote for former President Donald Trump — who mocked her husband for his military service overseas — once it comes time to push that button in November. 

“Where’s her husband? Oh, he’s away. What happened to her husband? Where is he? He’s gone,” Trump said in a February rally, prompting Haley to remind her former boss of her husband’s service.

“Someone who continually disrespects the sacrifices of military families has no business being commander in chief,” Haley wrote on X, months before announcing her support.

Upon dropping out, Haley remarked that Trump would have to “earn the support” of her and her voters, choosing not to endorse him after his brutal attacks, including giving her the nickname “birdbrain.” But she’s changing her tune, citing a second Biden term as her motivation.

“I will be voting for Trump,” Haley…

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