How Social Media Managers Get Paid to Be in Social Networks

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For most of us, being on Social Media Sites like;

  • Areyoupop
  • Twitter or
  • Youtube

during work time is something that can get us in big trouble, if not fired.

However there is a new and rapidly growing profession that actually requires you to spend all day on these social media sites.

They are called ‘Social Media Managers’

These are the people who manage the;

  • Social Pages
  • Twitter Profiles and
  • YouTube Channels

profiles for businesses all over the world.

The social media train for businesses is huge right now and Inc magazine estimates that 91% of all businesses are currently using social media.

The most amazing thing about this emerging field of “Social Media Managers” is that because it’s such a new industry and is constantly changing, there is no actual recognized qualification or degree to become one.

Now is the Time to Become a Social Media Manager

Social media management is kind of the ‘Wild West’ of the job market right now, there are millions of businesses looking to hire people for these positions and virtually no university qualified candidates. This has lead to a really interesting situation where the majority of people getting hired for these types of jobs are ordinary people who have never had any prior experience with marketing or social media.

According to Tom from “”, one of the leading online employment sites for Social Media jobs:

  • Over 70% of our new members who join our program and go on to be successful social media managers have never worked in sales, IT or marketing before. They are just ordinary men and women who are outgoing, social and enjoy connecting with people.

The main tasks that social media managers complete include:

  • Setting up and managing profiles on the big social media sites such as Social Pages, Twitter, Linked In, and YouTube
  • Interacting with followers and subscribers
  • Helping businesses increase their social media following

According to, the average salary for Social Media managers is currently $67,343, and this is likely to increase because the demand for social media managers is currently far outweighing the supply.

If you think that working in the field of social media could be for you, is a great place to find out more about this emerging field and maybe even begin a whole new career. Click here to visit their website.
