If you're a writer and you're anything like me, you don't just want to make money from your writing, you want to make a lot of money.

In fact, you want to earn all your income from your writing.

This is something that I've been doing for years.

Many nay-sayers will tell you that it's just not possible to earn a living as a writer and that only the top best-selling authors every achieve it. But the only reason they say this is because they have no idea about how to make money from writing

They are missing the number one, most important thing you need to do if you want to earn money as a writer.

And I'm going to tell you what it is so that you can achieve your dream of being a professional writer.

And it's such a simple thing yet it is so powerful and so instantly effective that it can take you from zero income to earning as much money as you want.

That's the beauty of being a writer is that your income is completely within your control so it's entirely up to you how much, or how little you earn.

So what is the one thing you need to do to earn more money from your writing?

Dream and plan big.

That's it. It really is that simple AND that difficult.

And before you go and dismiss this simple bit of advice and think it can't help you let me explain.

Just look at it this way: what if you planned to write and publish 10 blog posts and write the first draft of your novel all within the next 2 weeks.

Would you be able to do it?

Who knows? It's possible but the real question is, would you do it? Would you even try?

But what if you worked on your writing for as many hours as you could in the next 2 weeks and managed to finish 2/3 of it all?

That would get you a long way.

On the other hand, what if you only planned to write one blog post a week for the next 2 weeks. How far would that get you?

The problem with having small goals is that you might reach them.

You see, if you don't dream big, you can't achieve big things. This is why you need huge ambitious goals to give you more to work towards.

So make a bold plan. Make it so great that if you achieved it, it would blow your own mind.

Then do it.

And become the successful writer you've always dreamed of being.

Source by Ruth Barringham