Published On: July 3rd, 2024Categories: AI News

The Most Undervalued Skill for Data Scientists | by Tessa Xie | Jul, ...

Why writing is crucial for technical roles, and how to get good at it

Image by author (Midjourney)

“Why is my manager nitpicking my write-up? What difference does it make changing the wording from X to Y?”

You have probably caught yourself thinking this when you see your managers’ numerous suggestions all over your document; I know I have. In fact, I used to think that writing is the most trivial part of the job of a data scientist; because the analyses and numbers should speak for…—-7f60cf5620c9—4

Feed Name : Towards Data Science – Medium

hashtags : #Undervalued #Skill #Data #Scientists #Tessa #Xie #Jul

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