Generative AI can seem like literal magic at work. But magic is mysterious and one of the biggest mysteries users are concerned with right now is “What happens to the data I put into these tools? Is it protected?” The short answer is “Yes” but it wouldn’t be absurd to believe otherwise.
The common thinking now is, “If it’s on the internet, it’s there forever.” So (follow me here) if the models powering AI are largely trained on data from the internet…and you enter data to these tools that are on the internet…it’s not farfetched to assume that your data now belongs to the internet and could be used to train the very models you’re employing (or used in some other capacity that you don’t want.)
In January, a corporate lawyer at Amazon sought to prevent that hypothetical cycle by warning employees against entering company information to ChatGPT. The lawyer suspected that Amazon’s information was being used to train the GPT model because certain outputs…
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