When to Replace Your Poultry Flock | Decline in Egg Production Due to Age
A decline in egg production will depend on where each hen is age-wise. A hen will lay the most eggs during her first year of laying. With proper care and conditions, most hens will lay — as expected their breed — for about two years. After that two-year mark egg production will decline over time which is why it’s common to bring on new chicks every other year. Remember that chickens will continue to lay as the age, but are you okay with fewer eggs weekly vs. when your flock was younger and at peak production?
Families, homesteads, and small family farms that utilize eggs daily will often select chicken breeds that are categorized as high-production layers. These hens provide an average of 280 to 320 eggs per year — which is ideal for those who sell eggs to friends and family, or at a local farmer’s market.
High-production layers generally begin laying early, and will lay many eggs consistently. For example, Pearl White Leghorns may begin laying as early as 16 – 18 weeks. The Black and Red Star sexlink hens can begin laying roughly at 18 – 20 weeks. While high-production layers will begin laying earlier than other breeds of chickens, it’s important to remember that they will slow down egg production at a much earlier age than medium or slow production hens.
A few of my favorite high-production breeds include:
Much of my flock consists of medium-production layers. In addition to needing high-production breeds to meet our egg sales needs, and I love pretty-looking chickens.
Medium-production layers will lay an average of 200 – 280 eggs annually and can provide eggs consistently much longer than higher production chicken breeds. Egg production for these medium-production chicken breeds will begin to slow down around the two-year mark.
Many of the layers considered medium production are also known as dual-purpose hens. They are good/average layers, and large enough to be considered a good size meat breed. However, they produce less meat than the Cornish Cross or Big Red Broiler.
Another thing to remember is that average layers will lay eggs much later, around six months of age.
- Bielefelder — large, beautiful dark brown eggs; quiet and gentle birds; and a nice large size for a dual-purpose flock
- Ameraucauna — blue to blue-green eggs; and easy to raise and good for families
- Ancona — white eggs; active and great for a free range flock
- Blue Andalusian — white eggs; pretty blue birds; active and great for a free range flock
- Buff Cochin — brown eggs; pretty golden birds; quiet and gentle birds; and a good broody hen
Hens considered low-production layers are generally rare and exotic breeds. Bantam breeds also fit into this category. The average egg quantity annually averages fewer than 150 eggs. They are smaller and tend to lay fewer eggs than those listed above. Some of these breeds are great for younger children and backyards — for example, the Silkie Bantam. Silkies are also prone to become broody often, so while they may not lay many eggs they are useful for hatching out eggs.
As a sustainable family farm, I only have a little experience raising bantam and rare, specialty breeds. Well, other than the Silver Laced Cochins, and let me tell you they are stunning birds, quiet and very gentle, and they tend to go broody. Though they do not meet the criteria I need for my farm, eggs, or meat production I enjoy having them around.
Feed Name : Murray McMurray Hatchery Blog
Ann Accetta-Scott,Building Your Flock,Chicken Breeds,Chickens,Featured,Ameraucana,Avian Influenza,Bielefelder,Black Australorp,Black Star,brown egg layers,Buff Cochins,chickens,coccidiosis,flock,fresh eggs,hens,Highly-Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI),homesteading,laying cycle,laying hens,poultry,predator control,raising chickens,Red Star,Sex Link Chickens,sex link chicks,tips and tricks,white egg layers,Whiting True Blue,Whiting True Green
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