Published On: January 23rd, 2023Categories: AI News

Snapchat vs. Instagram is the most brutal battle among all social media platforms. Both platforms are popular among Generation Z and are rapidly expanding. Many companies and influencers are using these platforms to gain notoriety and cash. It is challenging to decide which platform to use.

We addressed your concern and decided to put an end to this conflict by demonstrating the differences between Snapchat and Instagram. We have also reviewed several resources to determine the final winner of this war by compiling data from multiple resources. 

With that, let’s find out who is the winner in the battle of Instagram vs Snapchat! 

Snapchat vs. Instagram: In a Nutshell

If you are in a hurry, look over the Nutshell below to get a quick comparison of Instagram and Snapchat.

Instagram Snapchat
Audience 1.28 billion+ monthly active users. 464.8 million monthly active users.
Filters Less unique filters than Snapchat. Unique and animated filters.
Ads Robust ad manager…

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